Allow docker container to access service on host
Say for example you have a MySQL server running on the host machine and want your docker container to be able to connect to it. When using docker-compose the following config in the yaml will allow this. extra_hosts: Now, inside your container to connect to the host use the address : host.docker.internal My scenario for…
Linux disk write speed test
Show the write speed of the current mounted drive. Note, this is run inside home benchmark directory
Where are start menu folders in windows 10?
When trying to clean up my start menu, I couldn’t find where the links / shortcuts were source: https://superuser.com/questions/960406/where-are-all-locations-of-start-menu-folders-in-windows-10
Get external IP
Testing if your VPN is working correctly on linux update on 26-Nov-2021: Wget and curl alternatives
ffmpeg cheat sheet
After upscaling an old movie, I wanted to compress the output to make it a more appropriate size. Control Quality Quality is controlled through specifying a bitrate through -b:v and -b:a Most popular is the constant rate factor resulting in variable bit rate in a single pass. Range 0 – 51 Sane Range 19 –…
PHP Errors
Quick and dirty – add this to your PHP file to show all errors instead of server error 500 message
WordPress – Child Templates
It’s been a while since I’ve done anything in WordPress, and I wanted to customise the 2020 theme. Which seems nice To make a child theme, you need to start with 3 things: A new directory functions.php style.css Directory Add a new directory – named your theme name, in the path: wp-content/themes/ functions.php Create a…
It’s about time I started using WordPress for what it’s all about, why I pay for the domain and the hosting every month and the main reason why I made the site in the first place … for blogging. Maybe one of the reason’s why I haven’t is because of the invention of social media:…